Saturday, January 31, 2009


刚跟爸妈去四马路回来。在观音庙拜了观音菩萨并第一次学妈妈求签。我求的是姻缘, 掷第二次才圣筊, 结果是只下签,签末结语是“凡事劳心费力也”。无语,还是认命吧。


跟YJJ在网上谈起,她说即便结了婚,也难保能长相厮守,其实世间没有永恒不变的事,谁也无法说得准谁会比谁先走。没人爱就自己爱自己吧,唯有注意自己饮食习惯,多做运动保持身体健康,命里有时终须有, 命里无时莫强求,尽人事而听天命矣!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


今天大年初二也是爺爺101歲冥誕, 希望他老人家在另一個世界過的安好.

Songs of the Sea@Sentosa

Visited Sentosa yesterday to re-take some photos at the Flower Show, as we did not have enough time last Saturday to fully explore the newly expanded display of flowers this year.

We also visited the new "Songs of the Sea" show which replaced the Musical fountain (closed on 25 March 2007). I couldn't help but felt a sense of disappointment after watching the show. I have very fond memories of the Musical fountain which has been a major attraction of Sentosa for 25 years since 1982, which coincidentally is the year which I first arrived in Singapore.

I still remember vividly till this day. As a 12-year-old boy, I watched in awe the various formations of fountain, the different angles, heights and degrees of splashes and how they blended in so nicely, completely in sync with so many different pieces of classical music, even Taiwanese folk songs like天黑黑 and 丟丟銅 were included, much to my excitement. The musical fountain show has been an FOC attraction for all these 25 years too, while the current "Songs of the Sea" is now priced at 8 bucks per ticket now. Yes, the use of laser and pyrotechnics may be spectacular but somehow I just miss the good old days. When I heard the big applauses from the audience, I felt somewhat sorry for them, because they didn't know what they had been missing, haha.

Except the annual CNY flower show which has been free every year, all attractions on the tiny island now comes with a price. So there is no more "free lunch". But as far as the musical fountain is concerned, I guess a priced lunch may not taste as good as a free lunch in this case.

Monday, January 26, 2009


牛年到了! 電台節目說屬狗者今年沖犯太歲, 凡事宜步步為營.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Bonus of FIVE months!!!

An ex-colleague just told me that he's just been offered a fat bonus by his company of about five months worth! Gosh, imagine my surprise and drooling.... It's unthinkable at this time of global economy crisis that people still get such a big fat bonus. Same people, different fate, man... He can definitely live a 大肥年 in the year of Ox liao, haha!


七姑姐今早搭華航回台中了. 昨天逛了整天聖淘沙, 回到家已經凌晨12點多, 然後拖拖拉拉搞到三點才捨得上床睡覺. 真是歲月摧人老, 感覺姑姐似乎老了不少, 不過兩位表姊都保養的很好, 身材樣貌都不像是已到中年的女性, 也許跟她們平時注重飲食與生活習慣有關吧.
今天吃年夜飯大家打算打邊爐, 希望大家牛年行大運, 過個平安順利的好年.

Friday, January 23, 2009



Thursday, January 22, 2009

Home visit

Aunt visited my home this afternoon with two cousins from Taiwan. My elder cousin is married with two kids and her hubby is a PhD holder. But she cooks dinner everyday and appeared so tired from all the housework. I wonder why did she still bother to cook as there are so many good foods to eat in Taiwan too. :P
My younger cousin is still single and is enjoying an active lifestyle. She is also a PhD holder like her brother-in-law and she has a group of close friends who are all single too. Haha.. my elder cousin often envies this carefree life of her younger sister. :)
Looking forward to meeting them at Sentosa this coming Saturday to see the annual floral show.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009



Tuesday, January 20, 2009


一月二十日    赤口の日   晴

Monday, January 19, 2009



Sunday, January 18, 2009


馬六甲由於以華人居多, 所以到處可見華人招牌與裝飾, 我們開著公司的休旅車在都是單向道的街上閒逛, 在車上, 眼尖的學長說, "你看, 那是不是國民黨的黨徽?" 我也看到了, 原來還是先總統 蔣公所親筆提的"忠貞足式", 可見馬六甲跟近代華僑歷史淵源之深。

晚上日本老闆請客, 大家去吃了著名的娘惹菜, 味道不錯, 最特別的是桔子酸梅汁, 我在新加坡時就很喜歡喝, 聽學長說原產自馬來西亞。馬六甲版本是綠色的, 而我在新加坡喝的卻是略帶黃色。詢問店家, 得到的答案是他們是把整個酸桔絞碎然後跟酸梅一起混合而成的飲料。賣相特別不過味道馬馬虎虎, 沒留下多深的印象。


Malacca trip 14Jan-15Jan

We left office about 10:30am and checked-in Holiday Inn Malacca about 3pm on 14 Jan. The weather in Malacca is cool and windy. I don't remember having visited Malacca before. So everything seems so fresh and interesting around me. As Malacca was a Chinese-major town, I saw many Chinese signboards and Lunar New Year decorations, as the New Year is drawing near.


On Friday, received a shocking news from PF that she had been asked to leave her company. Sigh, anther casualty of the recent Financial Tsunami. She has been a great help to our work and it's very sad to see her no longer around to support us. Personality-wise, she is a soft-spoken, hard-working and well-mannered lady. Having gone through this twice-in-a-row, I can understand her anxiety now. Will try to help her in whatever way I can.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


朋友email过来一则性格测试,我的结果是“寒流型”, 还不错,蛮准,只是有点不太对的是我比较沉默闷骚,不是经常冷言冷语的那类,哈哈!大家有空不妨也测试看看。

FW: 想不想知道自己的生日是属冷还是热?


热:1 3 5 7 9
冷:2 4 6 8 0
2.再看你的出生年 月 日是属于(热)还是(冷)!具体方法是把 年 月 日的尾数取出
1982的尾数为2(冷) 4月为(冷) 21日尾数是1为(热)
根据结果将三个属性组合起来得到(冷 冷 热)然后从下面的找出你的属性
1.烈火型...(热 热 热)
2.艳阳性...(热 热 冷)
3.暖风型...(热 冷 热)
4.温水型...(热 冷 冷)
5.冰山型...(冷 冷 冷)
6.寒流型...(冷 冷 热)
7.冰箱型...(冷 热 冷)
8.凉水型...(冷 热 热)






常要接受他的冷言冷语 防寒措施少一点都不行



Thursday, January 15, 2009

Back to Singapore

Back home at last. :)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Going to Malacca

Will leave office at 10am today.
See if I could update the blog after I checked in to the hotel tonight.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Dad's birthday dinner

Today's Lunar Calendar 18th December, my Dad's lunar birthday. In his times, the older Chinese generation used to adopt the lunar calendar for birthdays.
After work, joined Dad and Mum for dinner at at Xin Wang Hong Kong Cafe @Plaza Singapura. We ordered Ying yong (coffee+milk tea), Black Pepper Chicken Egg Rice, Stir Fried Beef HorFun and HK-style crab bee hoon. The bee hoon didn't taste as good as it looked, unfortunately. Too salty. Total dinner costed $60.4, including two cups of warm water (at $0.20 per cup, sheesh, even plain water is not free here). But I think the total price is reasonable.

We then headed straight to Swensens located just two floors below Xin Wang. Courtesy of Vivian, I received from her a one-for-one Gold Rush voucher that I used tonight to enjoy the all-time favourite ice-cream with my parents. It costed just $8 for the two ice-creams. What a steal, haha! :)

Gonna go to Malacca tomorrow and stay for one night there. Hmm, I heard that's the site where Little Nyonya was being filmed due to its rich Peranakan heritage. Also, a friend from Malacca told me to remember to try the Malacca satay celup, chicken rice ball, dim sum, wantan mee, nyonya laksa, bak kut teh and Yong Tau Hu. :)

Monday, January 12, 2009


在台灣民視的"纏腳布"劇集--《意難忘》裡,男主角建志對女主角婷婷說 :「女孩子就像一朵花,需要被關懷呵護」,聽到這句台詞就使我想起kakak介紹我的一本很有意思的法國名著【小王子】裡頭的小王子,他對心愛的玫瑰花那樣百般呵護,那種既純真又偉大的愛情, 直讓世上千千萬萬的女性讀者們為之心折,盼望自己此生也能找到像小王子般的伴侶吧。
此書還有很多地方令我有所啟發,不知為何我如今才接觸到這本書,想起小時候讀的課外書,西方的譯著就有伊索寓言,湯姆歷險記,天方夜譚,安徒生童話等,偏偏就留了小王子這遺珠。不過也許當時年紀小, 就算看了也不解其深意吧。還是要有一定經歷的成年人才能有更深的體會。聽說這本書也是法文初學者必讀之書。 我想如果以後有機會修讀法文,非得好好地去讀一下這原著不可。

Sunday, January 11, 2009



Saturday, January 10, 2009



Friday, January 09, 2009

New EZ-Link card

Today is the first day of 1-to-1 ez-link card replacement exercise. According to news, there are a whopping 10,000++ new cards replaced just today. The queue is also super-long, much to the surprise of the Translink officers. I also do not understand why the rush for getting the new cards since the deadline for exchange is 30 Sep of this year, and the new card can only be used for transport purposes for the time-being. I hope with this new card, there will be more places accepting ez-link payment options in the future and we do not need to carry so many credit/debit/ATM cards around anymore. :)

Thursday, January 08, 2009


海峡时报的"Mind Your Body"今天说鱼是很健康的食物,有丰富的蛋白质,饱和脂肪跟胆固醇含量都很低,像鳕鱼之类的Omega-3含量也很高,建议一星期至少吃两次。嗯,看来为了身体着想,我得考虑多吃点鱼了。

Wednesday, January 07, 2009


Tuesday, January 06, 2009


1月6日(火)  晴

Monday, January 05, 2009


据New Paper on Sunday报导,新传媒的宣传主任Paul Chan说等了好几年才终于等到一个阿姐出现,而这位阿姐就是欧萱。我觉得似乎牵强了点,不知会有多少人认同他的说法呢?

First day at work in 2009

We had a mini-Christmas party on 24th December during lunch time, and I was shocked to see our big boss wearing a Santa red cap, haha.
After 2 super long weekends for the past two weeks (I took leaves on 26 Dec and 2 Jan), I came back to office today. So you can imagine my mood now. Anyway, it's time to get fresh and start my "engine" and hope this year will be another challenging and fulfilling year ahead!

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Story of Shandy Sim

I spent the whole afternoon today reading through all the entries in late Miss Shandy Sim's blog after a report in the New Paper on Sunday.

Her story was truly inspiring. She started her blog soon after the shock discovery of her diagnosis but what followed was her display of courage and positive thinking in her battle against cancer. Her mood was always upbeat as she wrote her blog with such humour that nobody would guess she's actually a Stage 3 cancer patient undergoing so many grueling chemos and RTs.

Live life to the fullest and stay positive no matter what lies ahead of you. Don't take things for granted and live everyday as though it is your last day.

May she rest in peace.

Scorpio Outlook of Romance for 2009

I am a "half-believer" of horoscopes, i.e. I tend to agree with some of the things about my zodiac but disagree with the others. I happen to find this article on Yahoo! website about the "romantic outlook" this year for my horoscope.

The article is so well-written and full of positive statements that I would rather believe that it is true! I like this part: "Your instincts are powerful in developing intimacy, and will help you create a healing, passionate and spiritual relationship. The completeness of being in love is a major focus for you this year, and your desire to articulate your feelings will bring your relationship to a higher level of understanding and personal fulfillment."

Heaven knows I have yet to find that partner to start a "healing, passionate and spiritual relationship"! :P Fellow financial-guru Mike asked why I did not include "finding a lover" in my New Year Resolutions. I think part of the reason is due to my age. Statistics from the government shows that the likelihood for people over the age of 35 to get hitched are significantly reduced. I would attribute this to the reduction in hormones for people over 35, haha. Jokes aside, I think it all boils down to the reasons for marriage in this modern age.

The fact is as days go by, the urge to find a lover gets lower and lower. I am a traditional guy. I believe to marry a person, you must be fully dedicated and willing to take care of her with all your heart, and be prepared to make all kinds of sacrifices along the way. I take marraige as a sacred word and serious committment. Though I am nearing my forties, I do not yet have the courage and mentality to start such a long-lasting relationship. Am I taking marriage too seriously for my own good?

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Money No Enough

Today I came across an article Not Perfect, But It's Home on Weekend TODAY, which has been delivered to my house FOC for many years. An interesting read as the author tries to compare the lifestyles between Singapore and Australia, in particular the perceptions of money and how different the Aussies deal with money matters compared to our countrymen.

I agree with the author that we Asians are more obsessed with money than the Aussies. It is little wonder that "Money No Enough 2" by Jack Neo won the top box office (among all Asian films) in Singapore last year. Our parents all expect us to study hard so that we can become doctors, lawyers, engineers, accountants etc and make more money when we grow up. Having more money naturally lead to more comfortable and happier lives, as we were told. More often than not we tend to judge the social status of a person by his wealth rather than his heart. Even the government indirectly promotes the importance of money by benchmarking our top civil servants' pay to a basket of top earners in the six professionals in the private sector. We hear them saying things like "You need top money to draw top talent and curb corruption." and "You pay peanuts, you get monkeys", etc etc.

However, as the recent Global Financial Crisis shows, money is never enough, for those top-salary drawing bankers, more money paid to them may work in the opposite direction and blind them into making wrong decisions (i.e. creation of toxic assets). They are still human beings afterall and they still succumb to the power of greed. Human greed inevitably creates a bubble and then a crisis ensues.

In the distant future, will money ever become history? As we know, many wealthy people are actually not happy. They have no purpose in life and all they have left in this world is their money. A happy life does not have to be materialistic. In our usual pursuit of wealth, we must not forget that many simple things in life actually cost nothing. I hope to lead a simple life that is free from money woes, i.e. to achieve financial freedom as early as possible.

Friday, January 02, 2009

New Year Resolutions (Continued)

Just realised that I've missed something that I had wanted to do in my last post, so here it goes:
7. Read all books that I have bought but have not finished reading:
(i) Your Best Life by Domonique Bertolucc
(ii) Why Men Never Remember & Women Never Forget by Dr Marianne J. Legato
(iii) Secrets of eBay Millionaires by Stuart Tan and Benjamin Marc Wee
(iv) Trend Following by Michael W. Covel
(v) The Complete Turtle Trader by Michael W. Covel
(vi) Adam's Khoo's "Crazy Offer" package:
- Secrets Of Self-Made Millionaires wealth creation course (12 CDs)
- Patterns of Excellence neuro-linguistic programming course (10 CDs)
- Paving The Way To The Top success development course (6 CDs)
- Secrets of Building Multi-million Dollar Business (ebook)

8. Learn more about Windows programming
9. Learn more about Adobe Photoshop

Thursday, January 01, 2009

New Year Resolutions of 2009

1. To pass JLPT1 exam which will be scheduled on 6 December 2009.
2. Continue jogging regimen to keep fit. Target is to accumulate an annual mileage of at least 500km.
3. Continue to watch budget closely. Target is to save at least 80% of annual income.
4. Donate blood at least three times this year.
5. Learn to program on the PSP.
6. Learn more about Internet Marketing.